Monster Hunter Tri Review (Wii)

admin November 26, 2012 10

Exclusive for the Nintendo Wii is Monster Hunter Tri, the newest entry in Capcom’s Monster Hunter series. With the series not quite reaching the astronomical popularity it has enjoyed in Japan, hopefully this new Wii iteration can turn that around because this is a fantastic game that no Wii owner should pass on without at least giving it a go. And, thankfully, Monster Hunter Tri is definitely the most accessible and friendly game in the series –though that’s not to say it eschews the tough challenges the series known for! Monster Hunter plays a little like Sega’s Phantasy Star Online, though instead of loot drops, players will have to fashion and upgrade their own equipment from the hides, bones and claws from slain beasts. Without any kind of leveling system, this is vital to success and survival in the brutal world of Monster Hunter. To be a proficient hunter, you’ll find yourself foraging for materials, mining for ore, fishing, and farming. These elements are somewhat reminiscent of Natsumes Harvest Moon franchise, and have the same additive qualities. Combat rewards skill and patience, and punishes impudence. To the dismay of some, Monster Hunter does not even feature lock-on. Truthfully, such a mechanic would probably break Monster Hunter’s combat. It’s likely to be an adjustment for newcomers, but it’s immensely satisfying for those that will see it through. Questing with up to 3 other players is an enjoyable part of the experience, and Monster Hunter Tri features


  1. inheritance1112 November 26, 2012 at 3:38 PM -

    Borrowed this, got to great jaggi, and got NO further! But on my top priority list, I’d say getting this is at the top. Defo!

  2. Jamari Parish November 26, 2012 at 4:15 PM -

    this game is unbelievably hard! BUT right after you beat the great jaggi quest…….ITS ON

  3. demon3304 November 26, 2012 at 5:00 PM -

    Bought this…and I don’t regret it. It’s the best game on wii…no its the best game EVER!!!!!!!

  4. Bryan LaFleur November 26, 2012 at 5:00 PM -

    i want a wii just for this game!

  5. skyrimlegend November 26, 2012 at 5:37 PM -

    helios armor FTW! (people who dont know what that is don’t worry about it)