I’m sick of waiting such a long amount of time just for 1 match

admin November 13, 2012 19

just before this, i think i lost to a denjin ryu who teleported all over the place. In all fairness, i was probably teleporting around just as much. WELL PLAYED, GOOD SIR


  1. 1982markjm November 14, 2012 at 5:37 AM -

    I feel ya man. I can’t play at all the wait times for ranked can be like 5-10 mins.

  2. MrWhiteProductions November 14, 2012 at 6:26 AM -

    lmfao, Do you know anything about wireless and wired connection? Just because you fix your NAT doesn’t mean it will give you a stronger connection. It just allows you to connect more to people.

  3. Lunchbox5388 November 14, 2012 at 6:46 AM -

    Yeah the Ranking system is highly flawed. Its Marvel 3 all over again. They better fix it faster then they did Marvel. This is just an extremely poor execution on capcoms part, which is odd because if i remember correctly SF4 was very good in terms on online and match matching on release.

  4. asyhura November 14, 2012 at 7:26 AM -

    I would love to see you join Peaceful jay’s lobbies which is being streamed all day and own those people.. Saw some guy with the name Dyne or something like that racking up more than 60+ wins.