Skyrim PS3 Gameplay

admin February 7, 2013 18

Skyrim PS3 gameplay recorded with iphone 4. Just to make a clarification: I didn’t upload this so people can see my playing skills. I wanted to show in any way that I could, how the game looks and performs on the PS3. When I recorded this I wasn’t playing normally. I was interested in showing people how the game is. My Mini Score for this game (1-10) so you can get the idea of what I think of it. Graphics/Performance : 8.5 Gameplay : 9 Music/Sound : 10 Lasting Appeal : 10


  1. Wix3nZ February 7, 2013 at 9:25 PM -

    Idk if you have to disable it , i havent got any problems with autosave , and without that i would be so fucked , cause i save manually like 1 time every hour , so thats why i dont turn off autosave

  2. MrCarpetSnail February 7, 2013 at 10:18 PM -

    I heard need to disable autosave,i will bu it then thanks dude

  3. Wix3nZ February 7, 2013 at 11:14 PM -

    im not sure how many kb is 5mb , but i have 10k kb saved on skyrim and mine doesnt lag at all 🙂 only when it auto saves , but it does that when you enter the menu most of the times , ive been stuck on loading screen 2 times , but no other problems except a bug on a quest where it said the guy i was gonna talk to was under the floor lol (i play it on ps3)

  4. reece798able February 8, 2013 at 12:01 AM -

    In a few days, weeks, or about 2 months, you will be completely bored of COD, as every COD game is just repackaged and sold…what I mean is it is the same game with updated graphics…hope you’re enjoying games tho! 🙂

  5. thegamerzombee February 8, 2013 at 12:43 AM -

    You absolutely have to play the Uncharted games, and the Assassin’s Creed games, and Red Dead Redemption! Aahhhhh! So many awesome games!