Some of the Most Disappointing Gaming Sequels

Skillleague July 3, 2012 Comments Off on Some of the Most Disappointing Gaming Sequels

Maybe you have been in the situation where you highly anticipate a game from your favorite franchise, the hype builds up until it came to the point where you cannot sleep just thinking of the new game. You wait for the launch date then you run home to play the game incessantly only to find out that the game is such a pain in the ass. Such a disappointment! Here are some of those video games:

Final Fantasy 13

This video game is not that awful but all those years of building the hype are strewn with disappointments and lies. A lot of PS3 owners are dismayed when they found out that they lost the exclusivity to the Final Fantasy and that the cut scenes are not actual gameplay. These let downs are not indeed very disappointing, but what is more dismal is during the actual release of the video game.

This video game is one of the best Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs), but now the game is reduced to become 40 hours of tutorials and corridors. The storyline was now also convoluted and the characters are very annoying like JUSTIN BIEBER!

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

This game is indeed an amazing one, with great protagonists as well as a potential better sequel. Gamers have enjoyed this tactical espionage game, but what is annoying is the presence of a naked blonde douche who stupidly doing cartwheels and Snake in missions to help you throughout the game. This is a teaser and insult to the fans of the game.

Devil May Cry 2

A lot of gamers love the main protagonist in this video game, but the Dante in this sequel is more mature and seems that all things that make him cool was removed by Capcom in the sequel. And when you play this game, you will see that the weapons, levels and enemies felt all wrong.

Perfect Dark Zero

This video game was not just a great abomination to Perfect Dark but also an insult to the developer Rare studios who produced games like Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie and Goldeneye. When this was announced for launch for the Xbox 360, hype builds and went over the roof. But just like other launch games, this one proves to be a mess and with awful design, horrible multiplayer mode and worse glitches.

Duke Nukem Forever

This game has a lot of disappointments, such as bland and boring gameplay. Another great disappointment is that the video game itself seems like it is before and haven’t grown up just like other video games in the industry. The video game has poor storyline, had only one liners and sexist references the entirety of the game.

Street Fighter: The Movie (The Game)

In the 1990s, a lot of gamers are hooked on the fighting genre and the entire world is obsessed with fatalities and the hadouken. This has led to the release of a movie which is an awful one, but also spawned a video game which stars the actors in the movie.