Classic Game Room HD – ARMY OF TWO for PS3 review

admin January 20, 2013 17

“Just because the graphics are better doesn’t mean the game is better” CGRHD reviews Army of Two 2 for the Playstation 3 video game console. This game which comes on a Blu Ray disc is a first person shooter with a twist, you have to rely on your partner. Although Classic Game Room HD usually reviews the classic games from the Atari, NES and Sega Genesis, CGRHD also likes new games. How does this new modern military first person shooter stack up against the classics, or games like Halo 3, Bioshock and Resistance Fall of Man? You check it out. Be sure to watch the original Classic Game Room episodes. Classic Game Room was the original classic video game review show on the Internet in 1999-2000, now on DVD. The HD series is reviewing PS3, Genesis, NES, Atari and Xbox 360. Xbox Live Arcade XBLA.


  1. xlemuelx January 20, 2013 at 11:10 AM -

    yea, i agree. One play games to get away from this screwed world

  2. koko25333 January 20, 2013 at 12:00 PM -

    yeah yeah you were right this game was originally base on Contra,that is why it is called Army of TWO !!!

  3. Currymonsterz January 20, 2013 at 12:51 PM -

    has it got an oline mode????

  4. Eli Consoli January 20, 2013 at 1:41 PM -

    They’ll improve online play eventually, people will give this puppy more respect, especially on xbox. Until socom confrontation, ps3, which will attract almost every mil-sim. gamer, hopefully.

    I really liked kane and lynch, Heat as a videogame, only more brutal, but just not as good as it could have been.

    This is like the spiritual sequel. And brings the largest, most believable element to this type of genre, with the army, Army of two makes me soil myself.

  5. Khetti January 20, 2013 at 2:38 PM -

    Army of Two isn’t even remotely realistic. Give it a shot, a Contra fan should see something to enjoy in the constant shooting and ridiculous weapon upgrades you can perform. Nothing like GRAW or Rainbow Six or anything like that.