admin January 9, 2013 16

I’m breaking tradition here with a review of a modern game. I thought my viewers might like to see my thoughts on games made in the 21 century. Plus this game totally kicks @ss and is consuming all of my time!


  1. Steven Bailey January 9, 2013 at 4:56 PM -

    Ive got over 100 hours into Skyrim and am slightly bored. I never finished Fallout 3 but damn I might just give it another try. Cool review.

  2. superluismigueL100 January 9, 2013 at 5:13 PM -

    No they won’t because fallout 3 works perfectly in the playsation 3 so fuck off

  3. zackarlos12 January 9, 2013 at 5:25 PM -

    The best RPG/First person shooter, yet!

  4. TheCommentGuy8 January 9, 2013 at 5:27 PM -

    (I know you asked this 11 months ago, and I think you probably already figured this out already, but I’ll help you just in case) Yes, the VATS system is available from the very beginning, but only when you(your character) is 19 years old. If you are playing it on your PC then press the V-button, RB-button on Xbox360, R2(or L2)-button on PS3

  5. SENATORPAIN1 January 9, 2013 at 5:36 PM -

    wow i no this review is old and all but 60 hours? pfft i finished it in 20 maybe a little more and i did a few things and fucked around. 60 fuck no good game? hell yes!.