Features of Last Generation Games You Will Miss

admin May 6, 2012 Comments Off on Features of Last Generation Games You Will Miss
Retro Gaming

Retro Gaming

With all the advancements in the video game industry nowadays, you will surely miss something that you are used to see in the last generation gaming. You will think that video games are a lot betterbefore. There are things in the games which are not around anymore or have already disappeared altogether.

Local Multiplayer or Bots

These types of video games which you could rent for weekends gaming with your friends are not that usual anymore. You can actually play it with your friends while enjoying your chips and two liters of cola. These things are not entirely eradicated from the modern video games, but you will notice that they are not around with a lot games anymore.

Health Bars and Health Packs

You will not see these features in the shooters game anymore, as many video games have health that recharge. Others consider this health bars as annoying but what is worse is that reaching the boss with poor health, knowing that you cannot beat it and you have to return from the start. The presence of these health packs and bars allows players to reach the boss with more health as they have the chance to recharge their health in every turn they make.

Character and Lightheartedness

With the presence of the latest gaming rigs combined with the gaming community which is very concerned with graphics and visual fidelity, these features of video games are now disregarded as many developers create games which are hyper realistic and gritty. This instance is due to the fact that people are surrounded by what is called reality. It seems that the advancement in graphical technology isalso being pushed to the limit constantly.

These features of the last generation video games are now in danger of extinction. Maybe there will come the time that the next generation will not see them in video games, and once you mentioned it they will not have any inclination of what you are talking about. They should be preserved for the benefit of the future generations.