Grease (Wii Game) – First Impressions

admin October 15, 2012 21

I take a quick look at Grease for the Nintendo Wii. This game is also out on the DS, but its a little different.


  1. InsanePersonFell October 15, 2012 at 5:38 PM -

    Anybody who thinks this is the actual actors (Travolta and Olivia Newton or any of them) is deaf. These are clearly covers.

  2. farmhousemedia3000 October 15, 2012 at 6:02 PM -

    @KOOKIEMON86 – Again, they are COVERS and NOT the original tracks from the movie. Do som damn research before you talk crap. You’re making yourself look like an idiot. Or was that what you were going for?

  3. farmhousemedia3000 October 15, 2012 at 6:41 PM -

    @KOOKIEMON86 – They are all covers, they are not the originals. YOU don’t know Grease.

  4. trixieprue October 15, 2012 at 7:07 PM -

    Stupid game, just 20 minuts playing and it is over…you can’t sing, just move the controler ¬¬’
    I’ve love the film, but not the game u.u

  5. silkentresses October 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM -

    Thanks for doing a review. I wish you had done the one where you dance with them. lol Can you tell I’m a female gamer? lol 😉 Nice way to get some female gamers on the page. 🙂