Japanese Role-Playing Games: Why do People Care?

Skillleague July 1, 2012 Comments Off on Japanese Role-Playing Games: Why do People Care?

Maybe you ask why people love Japanese RPGs, this article will tell you more about the JRPGs and will try all your questions. Whether you are an expert gamer or you do not know what Final fantasy and Final Fight are, this article will help you appreciate this genre which is less appreciated by many gamers.

You should care about JRPGs because they are awesome and adept at taking your emotions as well as crafting illusions that you are fighting every way adventures. This video game genre focuses on exploration and narrative and sometimes they narrate stories that center on evil empires and angry gods. But sometimes, tend to make things adventurous but simple.

All in all, that experience that you can actually get from JRPGs is different compared to other video game genre. But you need to have patience in playing these role-playing games of Japanese origins. The strict definition of JRPGs is that they are role playing games from Japan. But you can also find a lot of Western games with designs that feel, play and look like Eastern RPGs like Charles Barkley’s Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Penny Arcade and Anacrchonox. The JRPGs has evolved into something than just RPGs of Japanese origin.

You will know that an RPG is a JRPG due to a lot of things. One of the most common factors that you can find in JRPG is its turn-based battle where characters need to wait for their turn to attack and you will need to build parties. You will visit dungeons, exotic cities as well as other locations while playing JRPGs. You will also need to join a system where you will be responsible for the progress of your character. You will find a lot of air ships, monsters, bosses, world maps as well as tough challenges.

When you sum up all these things, that’s the time you will know that you are playing a JRPG. JRPGs are dream-packed, contain hair-raising explorations and adventures, emotion-triggering that will surely make you cry and laugh.

Some gamers see JRPGs as boring, but if they’re boring why do a lot of people like the genre very much? Many reasons! One of them is the turn-based battle system enjoyed by many people. You will surely love the characters and the stories conveyed by JRPGs. Or maybe people just want to get lost in an experience that they cannot get elsewhere.

Although some people find Japanese role-playing games as intimidating, archaic, annoying and obsolete. Well, in fairness and equality, why don’t you give JRPs another chance? JRPGs have more breadth and depth if you have only limited on playing video games such as Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy. You can play video games like Paper Mario series and Mario and Luigi as they are hilarious and contain twists.

If you really want video games that are special and unique, you can play Valkyria Chronicles which is a strategy RPG with unusual setting, a great combat system and some lovely graphics. If you want a fast-paced video game, why not try the action-packed Kingdom Hearts video game series or the hack-and-slash Ys games.