Most Annoying Video Game Characters

Skillleague August 10, 2012 Comments Off on Most Annoying Video Game Characters

Video games are perceived differently by every gamer. You may see them as a world that needs exploration while others may see them as lifeless plains, but most gamers have one thing which they will agree, annoying characters.

Almost every video game and franchise has these characters that annoy gamers, making them want to rip them out of the screen. Here are some of those characters:

Sheva Alomar of Resident Evil V

Sheva Alomar is a highly skilled and highly trained agent of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, meaning that she’s good to be with Chris Redfield. But her training and skills don’t seem to be evident in the game. She keeps herself busy screaming and wasting your ammo, sprays and herbs on grazed knees or paper cuts.

Any Sonic Series Friends

This video game has its own flaws and even ordinary gamers will notice them. One of them is the roster of characters that are inflicted in the game which makes it annoying and some of them were Amy Rose, Charmy Bee, Froggy, Storm The Albatross, Omochao, Rouge The Bat, and Vector The Crocodile to name a few.

Rinoa of Final Fantasy 8 and Vanille of Final Fantasy 13

Lots of gamers have already played this video game and they also notice that the series is filled with characters that you want to kick.

Rinoa of FFVIII makes an appearance at the cut scene that takes place at the ballroom. As the game progresses, you will see that Rinoa becomes annoying and you’re forced to save her from transforming into a sorceress puppet that has the capacity of destroying the world.

Vanille of FFXIII was a teenage girl who is overly sexualized and with a cheerfulness that is out of place. She remains in good mood even though in a very dire situation.

Navi of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Lots of gamers around the world love the Legend of Zelda video game, and when the Ocarina of time was launched, companions are part of the game. Nintendo praise the game and considers it as one of the best games ever, but they do not seem to see is that the video game contains an annoying companion that goes by the name Navi.

This character doesn’t seem to control herself from blurting those nonsense words, but Navi is the one that you will need in order to get Z Target.


Trip of Enslaved Odyssey to the West

These characters have a thing that you will find similar – they’re not the one responsible for any situation that the main characters finds themselves involved with. They only support the main character during quests.

But Trip does not belong to this category. She’s the reason why the video game happens where she placed a controlling device on the main character forcing him to assist her to return home. The hero will perish if he doesn’t agree with her. She is also useless and whiny.

Now you have this list of annoying characters in the video gaming world that will surely make your blood rushing into your brain with boiling intensity.