Most Crazy/Evil Laughs in Video Games

Skillleague August 4, 2012 Comments Off on Most Crazy/Evil Laughs in Video Games

When you say villains, there is one thing in common about them – they have the craziest and most evil laugh that you will hear. Video games have their own share of these villains who cannot control themselves from laughing every time they find something to laugh at. Below are some of those villainous characters who have the most evil and craziest laughs in the gaming world.

Kefka Palazzo of Final Fantasy 6

This character is the favorite of everyone as you will recognize his laughs every time you hear it. When Kefka laughs, it will come to your mind that he really enjoys being evil. His laugh only lasts for about three seconds but can still convey how he feels about things surrounding him. When he laughs, you will know that Kefka enjoys his madness.

Gruntilda Winkybunion of Banjo-Kazooie

You will probably remember Gruntilda Winkybunion as this character laughs every time you lost all your lives in the video game. The laugh sounded like the stereotypical laugh of a witch which is a very spirited cackle. Like Kefka, whenever you hear Gruntilda’s laugh, you know that she enjoys being evil.

Takaya Sakaki of Persona 3

Takaya is not that funny to be with as he wants the world to be destroyed with him due to his condition: he is slowly dying. Accompanying his evil self is a cruel laugh which he uses in the entire game. Like lots of good laughs, Takaya’s laugh begins as small then it turns abrasive and loud.

Iori Yagami of King of Fighters

This character is a unique inclusion as he’s not completely evil or truly crazy. He’s Kyo Kusanagi’s rival, the protagonist of the video game series who aims to kill Kyo for the Kusanagi clan’s curse. The developer of the game gave Iori this laugh that fits his dark characterization. Iori breaks out a raucous and evil laughter every time he wins a match.

 Lezard Valeth of Valkyrie Profile

This character is a smart necromancer and sorcerer who want to be a god which he almost fulfilled during the second Valkyrie Profile where it seems that his happiness about it is radiated towards his laughter. His laughter has the sound of throatiness that enhances the crazy exponentially but the sound remains genuine. He sounds like a murderous, laughing mad hyena.

Wiseman of Baten Kaitos: Origins

Wiseman is the villain in the little-known video game Baten Kaitos: Origins who is the cause of the entire problems that the world of Baten Kaitos encounters. Wiseman’s reasons for being evil are extremely difficult to understand due to his alien thought. He has a deep voice which results to a deeper laugh that you probably ever heard in playing video games.

Count Waltz of Eternal Sonata

This despicable enemy creates his own army by marketing a power that lets the buyer use magic which turns them to monsters. Count Waltz wants everything and everyone to praise him and his laugh reflects his evil intentions and insanity.

Now you have the idea of who among the characters in video games have the most evil and craziest laughs that you will hear. Although there are lots of villainous characters out there, here are some of them who will surely leave their mark to you once you hear their laughter.