My Top 5 PS3 Games

admin April 15, 2013 21

Quick response vid to Danny and Gage. Please sub Danny.


  1. ANDREWBALLINA April 15, 2013 at 11:07 PM -

    … Thanks for the comment. I have played GTA4, but not really into it, although I did like the expansions and I love GTA: Vice City and I wanna a remake of it. I have Red Dead: Undead Nightmare and really like that.

  2. ANDREWBALLINA April 15, 2013 at 11:23 PM -

    .. Awesome, will have to play together sometime. I have added you by the way 🙂

  3. ANDREWBALLINA April 15, 2013 at 11:34 PM -

    … Thanks Kevin. I really like COD, I just think Battlefield is a better FPS. I havn’t done all the ending for Heavy Rain yet, I think there’s about 8 all up. You should do some game related vids.

  4. owenneil April 15, 2013 at 11:59 PM -

    Yay Battlefield! I have the ps3 one coming.

  5. DrHasslein April 16, 2013 at 12:40 AM -

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 was excellent! And I thought the COD series were realist. Uncharted 2 is simply mind blowing, and it never fails to impress, I can’t wait for part 3.

    I loved Heavy Rain, I haven’t seen all the endings yet, have you?