Security Issues in Online Games

admin April 28, 2012 Comments Off on Security Issues in Online Games
Game Security

Game Security

Online gaming has become an industry that provides billions of dollars for many game companies nowadays. Most of these companies are making a lot of profit from the charges that they collect from subscriptions, but there are problems that surfaces which should be taken cared of immediately. Those video games that have graphical glitches, poor performance and sound defects have no chance to become very popular. Those online games which have mass-cheating and security flaws will fail.

Online gaming contains a special set of problems which requires to be settled due to its nature of network sharing applications. Game developer should create a secure game in order to ensure that gamers receive an entertaining and fair experience, or they would not play.

Copy Protection

This is the most essential aspect of computer games security. Piracy is not that relevant when it comes to online games as they make money through subscriptions.

Client Hacking

The server of a lot of online games store player data and game logic and graphics as well as sound on the client. Hackers find it difficult to defraud through statistics alteration such as ammunition or health. But these hackers can change the game’s graphics.

Packet Sniffing

A lot of problems let users to examine, send modify or block packets which are transmitted to as well as from the PC. The process causes some problems which include .blocking packets which may negatively affect a player. Essential variables should be kept at the server in order to prevent these problems from happening.

These are some issues that surround online games security and it seems that it is impossible to develop an online game which is secure. But it is possible that misuse of online games can be limited and reduced. Good programming and design, increased awareness of users, supervision and ongoing maintenance will assist to accomplish it.