Single-Player Video Game Releases in August 2012

Skillleague August 3, 2012 Comments Off on Single-Player Video Game Releases in August 2012

The year is now on its second half and it’s almost August 2012. Maybe you are bored of the same titles that you have been playing since the beginning of the year. Here are some of those single-player video games launching in August 2012 that you should anticipate.

Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs is a new game from Square Enix London and United Front Games that centers in crime and drama. This video game is going to be released on August 14, 2012. The game’s core mechanics is an environment set in open-world that allows players to move around freely just like on Spiderman, Skyrim and GTA video games. Sleeping Dogs is a third-person video game with role-playing and action elements. Gamers will play the character of Wei Shem, a police officer whose lineage is Chinese-American who goes undercover in order to get inside the Triads. Players will be able to walk, jump, run, swim and climb over any obstacles. This video game offers different kinds of weapons and vehicles that you can use. Sleeping Dogs is the video game that you should play if you are one of those gamers who want action just like what GTA has to offer.

Darksiders II

This video game is a forthcoming role-playing/action adventure video game from THQ, and Darksiders’ sequel. The publisher has confirmed that Darsiders II will be launched the same period as that of Darksiders.  But this sequel, instead of War, gamers will play the character of Horseman of Death. New abilities are also included for you to use and the map is much bigger than the previous game. This video game is going to be released on August 14 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC platforms.

New Super Mario Bros. 2

This video game is for those fans of Nintendo out there and for people who are looking for a new title to play on their 3DS which is surely collecting dust. New Super Mario Bros. II is the sequel to its predecessor which is launched in 2006. The gameplay of this video game is the same with its predecessor where Luigi or Mario must rescue the Princess from Koopalings and Bowser. The Powerups that are present in the first video game will return in this sequel along with new ones like the Super Mario Bros. III Super Leaf.  This Powerups allows tail whipping of enemies or flying to the air.

Another of the Powerups that is present to previous games that will reappear in New Super Mario Bros. II is the Invincibility Leaf which will appear every time the gamer dies at a minimum of five times at every stage. This Powerup will provide invincibility and raccoon abilities until you finish the stage. Gold coins collection is a new feature of the video game that provides various items that depend on the coins you collect. New items include Gold Flowers which has the ability to turn blocks to coins, rings that turn enemies into gold temporarily and block mask which produces coins when Mario runs. The video game is going to be released on August 17 for the Nintendo 3DS.