Sony’s Killzone 3 Experimental Multiplayer Experience

admin April 9, 2012 Comments Off on Sony’s Killzone 3 Experimental Multiplayer Experience
Killzone 3

Killzone 3

Killzone 3 is a first-person shooter video which was released in February 2011 for the Sony PlayStation 3. The developer and publisher of this video game were Guerilla Games and Sony Computer Entertainment respectively. It has received high critical acclaim especially its competitive multiplayer mode. But just other multiplayer games in the genre, Killzone 3 has little followers of dedicated gamers. You will encounter some complexities when it comes to finding matches due to the lack of gamers in the following months of its launching.

But Sony has surprised first-person shooter fans when it released the multiplayer experience of Killzone 3 for free. You just have to download it on the PlayStation Network. With little support when it comes to the marketing aspect, the trial has provided gamers the chance to demo the DLC Killzone 3 multiplayer and the standard maps until they reach the predetermined cap which is level 10. When the players reached that point, they can keep their characters progress through buying the while multiplayer experience (campaign not included). The price is almost 15 dollars but for PS+ subscribers, it will be almost eight dollars. If you are looking for quality, visually excellent multiplayer game, do not hesitate to grab this opportunity.

But this move from Sony is an experiment which is not realized by most video gamers. The downloadable release of the multiplayer mode of Killzone 3 has positive results increasing the online community followers of the game.

Does this move have actually increased the followers of Killzone 3? If the answer is “yes” to this first question, is this the arrival of a new method of video games distribution for multiplayer games with AAA rating? Does game splitting hurt or help the video game as a whole?

But as history shows, most video games whose campaigns are single player were never completed and only 10% of gamers finish the main storyline of Red Dead Redemption, a video game which is universally acclaimed by gamers and critics. Whatever genre or platform the video game is 90% of players will never complete the average single player mode of the console games.

If you want to test the hypothesis, call 10 of your gamer friends ad ask them to finish a certain game. You will find out that only one of those who played the video game, for example Call of Duty Black Ops campaign. Although they spend more time in playing, they did not complete the storyline of the game.

But when it comes to the Killzone 3 campaign, there is no data regarding the experiment of Sony. You will observe that there are those Killzone players who had played the game for a long time. Only few players are joining the matches in the multiplayer mode of the KZ3 for months. But nowadays, the influx of gamers in KZ3 matches has purged some excitement in the multiplayer community of the video game.

Many players expect that the influx of players will continue and that the new approach of the Sony will provide positive results for gaming community. The game splitting method used by Sony is perfect for those who have limited budget or only play online at lower price but still do their part for the online community.