The Demo of Resident Evil 6: An Overview

Skillleague July 5, 2012 Comments Off on The Demo of Resident Evil 6: An Overview

Resident Evil 6 is now available for the Xbox 360, but it seems that you will have to wait for some time when you download the game. This game is very fantastic once you started to play it. All three storylines have their own missions and you are free to select the character you want to play. It is also a cooperative game allowing you to play online with your friends.

You can change the settings of RE6 into the classic type, which is reminiscent to the controls of RE5. The first story is about Leon which started when he shoot the President in order to save the life of Helena who is a member of a secret service. Exploring those dark and scary building is the best part in this video game, which will make your character flinch. Even you will jump from the creepiness of the setting. The music in RE6 perfectly fits the scene, which is like one of those horror movies. In the escort mission, you will find Liz as well as her father. Liz will die as her father coughs, then after the lights failed to turn on, you will hear scary gurgling sounds. Liz is now a zombie and grabs Leon, but the presence of Helena saves him from the worse. After Liz, the elevator will bring you to the parking lot where many zombies are lurking. This scene will surely consume all your ammos and you will need to resort to hand-to-hand combat to eliminate them all. Helena and Leon will escape the carnage of the zombies as they watch survivors being overtaken by the undead.

Next is the story of Sherry who is accompanied by Jake Muller, the son of Albert Wesker. In this storyline, you will instantly encounter the dreaded Ustanak, which is proven to be very difficult to fight with. A short-lived chase sequence will ensue. The best weapon to use in killing this creature is the Elephant Gun. The story about Chris in this demo is a spoiler. He drinks heavily until Piers tracked him down, making him remember everything.

This demo for the Resident Evil 6 video game is very outstanding and you can play them repeatedly. As a demo, you will have the luxury to explore a bit. When you compare it to the Resident Evil: Revelation demo, RE6 is better when it comes to the fight scenes with zombies and is also a lot scarier. You will be happy about this video game as it traced back it roots of survival horror genre. You will find action anywhere you go and you will surely be scared to death when you play this game. This is surely one of the best sequels for the Resident Evil series. Due to the release of this demo, a lot of gamers are now anticipating the official release of the game in October 2012. Hopefully, the game itself will be great just like the demo. With Resident Evil 6, you will surely be terrified and impressed on how this game is played.