The Hunger Games Video Games: Risky and Unsettling Due to Violence

admin April 11, 2012 Comments Off on The Hunger Games Video Games: Risky and Unsettling Due to Violence
The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

The producer of the record-breaking movie The Hunger Games is planning to make a video game version of this successful motion picture. But the plot of the book where the movie was adapted is a big consideration for the video game designers. Balance must be observed by the designers in making the graphic battle scenes with the PG-13 audience.

During the opening weekend of The Hunger Games, the movie has raked 155 million dollars and it only means that much merchandise is closing in. The development of a game will make this major franchise complete.

There are already many followers of the mobile and Facebook releases for the Hunger Games Adventures and Hunger Games: Girl on Fire even without the presence of full-fledge platform for both video games. The Hunger Games Adventures which was released for Facebook has already 200,000 users every month. Due to the warm welcome of the worldwide audience of the video game o Facebook, Lionsgate which holds the rights to the film series wanted to develop a video game for the successful motion picture.

The Apple and Facebook games have been successful despite being simple, but a version of the movie in the video game consoles would be profitable indeed. Lionsgate has been cautious and careful about the plan for they want to make the right and appropriate way. They also want to deliver a new level of experience for the fans to enjoy.

The Hunger Games books of Suzanne Collins describe a world where 24 children fight each other for survival. They need to kill one another in order to survive. The motion picture has been tactful in showing these deaths as they leave it to the imaginations of the viewers. But that fact does not ease the feelings of bloggers and parents as they debate the appropriateness of the film to the children viewers.

But when it comes to video games, designers are not afraid to show gore and blood before, especially in shooting games in the first person genre. It would be reasonable to design the gameon the same format due to the prominence of the main character of the movie. The main concern in the video game adaptation of the movie is the children killing each other for survival. This part is more controversial compared to video games which depict adults killing faceless enemies or robots.

May parents have allowed their children to see the movie due to the proper masking of the deaths through the use of filmic techniques. But the video game world is another story. You will not be able to hide the gore and blood in this world as designers are not afraid to show it, but in a graphical way.

But many people around the world hope that The Hunger Games video game will be portrayed appropriately. It should not be taken as a profit generating machine by exploiting the success and the warm embrace of the masses. The story behind the film should be portrayed in the video game in an acceptable way. It is up to the designers on how to do it in order for the game be acceptable and become successful.