The Top Video Game Villains

admin March 28, 2012 Comments Off on The Top Video Game Villains
Video Game Villains

Video Game Villains

Gone were the days that video game anti-heroes are often depicted as psychopaths inclined on world domination in any reasons. These anti-heroes provide the game with reasons of being, as usual you will play as the hero who will save the world from them. Nowadays, the portrayal and characterization of these villains have change due to innovative technology used in the development of video games. You might ask who are the greatest villains in the video game world? But this question is very difficult to answer due to the differing opinion of gamers around the world. Here are some of the video game villains who have the potential to become the greatest anti-heroes in the video game industry.

Kratos of the God of War is a violent, twisted and nasty villain who is prone to genocide without any provocation. He climbed the brethren of the Gods in Mount Olympus just to brutally end the domination of Zeus. Kratos had done this by eliminating all the Gods on his way up to Olympus and finally a duel with Zeus. The finest moment of Kratos’ journey starts from his escape from the fires of hell up to his climb to Mount Olympus where he wrought havoc over the Gods.

Another admirable villain in the video game world is Max Payne. Payne is a brutal killer without mercy killing all his enemies without remorse. He is the one who has nothing and no one to lose. No past, no future, no family and no friends. Max Payne has infiltrated the underworld community in New York with a mission to take revenge and he obliterated them within just two days. Payne is determined character with discontented appetite for pain killers. He stormed the underworld community in New York with intense bullet action. Max Payne was shot several times in his chest, thrown in a pit, with skull with hollow point before finishing the game with just a terrible headache.

Cole MacGrath is no doubt belongs to this list of the top villains. MacGarth is powered with hell’s seven rings ad is considered as a walking powerhouse. He acts and does what he wants to do without regard to the opinion of the public. MacGarth is the equal of a modern day God who is also without remorse to anyone who gets in his way.

Don’t forget Gabriel Belmont of Castlevania Lords of Shadows. Gabriel lost his wife who was killed by an unknown fiend, with this tragic moment he hopes to take revenge to those responsible for his wife’s death by collecting the ancient’s three pieces from the three powerful and strong Lords of Shadow. The transformation of Gabriel into a desperate and dark man from being a proud and holy knight earned his place as one of the top villains in the video game industry. His transformation makes him strong and capable of obliterating anyone or anything standing on his way, at the cost of his humanity.
Of course there are many great villains in the video game industry but these villains mentioned above are the most successful due to their representation as a believable character.