Top Five Sexiest Men in the World of Gaming

Skillleague August 21, 2012 Comments Off on Top Five Sexiest Men in the World of Gaming

There are lots of video games where you will find sexy male characters that are considered as action stars in their own rights. Many gamers are attached to these sexy male characters as they are strong that are capable to do anything. Here are the top five male characters in video games that female gamers find the sexiest.

Mac Fraser

Mac Fraser of SSX series is very appealing to the lady gamers. He is very athletic who can execute different kinds of dangerous and cool tricks on his snowboard. Mac’s signature trick shows his enthusiasm and confidence to become extremely successful as a snowboarder. It is known fact that women have their eyes on athletic individuals. His appeal was taken to higher levels as he incorporate music when he performs his stunts. He also has a lot of different kinds of clothing options to personalize his style.

John Marston

John Marston of Red Dead Redemption is a cowboy and an outlaw. His past is rough but still, John manages to see the brighter side of things. His father was a drunkard while her prostitute mother died when she gave birth to him.  Despite this background, John manages to create his own wonderful family and he is very loyal unlike most of the males in the video game. Lots of women are attracted to men who already have a family. John can do almost anything like killing bears and dong tasks for strangers. Aside from being loyal and capable of accomplishing anything, what most attracts John to women is his being a gentleman.

Soap MacTavish

Modern Warfare’s Soap MacTavish is one of the sexiest males in the world of video games. This extraordinary male character seems to be unstoppable and is capable of accomplishing anything he wants to do. Soap uses his strength in order to accomplish even those tasks that are most daring. He is a true definition of a hero but he still regards himself as a simple man who needs to do a daily activity. Even though his down, he can do something amazing in order to save himself as well as the world surrounding him. Women do love those men who are highly respected that most women want to be with them. His neat haircut and masculine build also make Soap appealing to women.

Marcus Fenix

This dreamy blue eyed male character from the Gears of War makes him as the second sexiest in the world of gaming. Marcus Fenix is among those buffest video game characters that show power in combination with amazing leadership qualities. He’s strong and can stay that way in every circumstance he faces. His determination, will and passion are very strong.


Ezio Auditore

This male character from the Assassin’s Creed is the sexiest of all the male characters in gaming. The way Ezio carries himself is plain striking. He has lots of clever quotes and remarks that appeal to lots of women. He is very focused and daring when it comes to missions but has time when it comes to ladies. Aside from his charming personality, Ezio is also tough and strong. He is capable of doing cool tricks such as jumping off high places and climbing buildings.