Video Games Needed in the PS Vita to Boost its Sales

Skillleague July 11, 2012 Comments Off on Video Games Needed in the PS Vita to Boost its Sales

PS Vita is the new handheld console from Sony that promises a lot when it comes to console gaming. However, the slow release of new video games has taken its toll on this new handheld device. Lots of gamers out there want to see their favorite games to appear on the Vita before they purchase the handheld. Great video games will surely help boost the sales of the PlayStation Vita. There are lots of titles from large franchises out there that Sony need to have on the Vita. Here are some of the games that will help Sony sell more Vita.

The Elder Scrolls

PS Vita needs great RPGs and one of them is the Elder Scroll franchise. It will surely be a great boost for the PS Vita as they will experience discovering new towns and cities, fighting dragons, exploring dungeons, joining guilds and crafting gears with their handheld. This video game on the PS Vita will be enough in boosting its sales.

Borderlands II

A version of this video game on the PS Vita will surely bolster the sales of the handheld. Gearbox Software doesn’t have any plans about the matter, but lots of fans have made a petition that demands a version of the game on the PS Vita. This second installment has improved a lot compared to the original.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified

Call of Duty is one of the games that Sony needs to have on the PS Vita as lots of gamers will recognize this great game. The PS Vita has the capacity to run and play Call of Duty with its hardware and power. Declassified has strong support from the online community and Call of Duty fans will surely purchase the Vita once this game is included in the handheld.


This video game has a serious potential to be included on the PlayStation Vita. BioShock will provide enough recognition to boost the sales of the PS Vita. According to Ken Levine, BioShock Vita remains on hold due to the massive endeavor concerning the BioShock Infinite.

Assassin’s Creed 3 Revelation

Assassin’s Creed 3 Revelation is another confirmed video game on the PS Vita. A version of this video game on the Vita is scheduled for release during the fall season, where a new female protagonist will be introduced. The gameplay is also new, which is set in New Orleans during the 18th century. Just like the CoD installment, name recognition associated with the Assassin’s Creed is also enough to bolster the sales of the PlayStation Vita.

Kingdom Hearts

A remake of the video game where characters from Final Fantasy and Disney have come together will work well on the PS Vita. There are several video games that are already included in the franchise, therefore making Kingdom Hearts a good addition to the handheld.

Grand Theft Auto

This video game is an obvious one to help boost the sales of the PS Vita. It will really make sense that Rockstar include this killer video game to the Vita. Lots of players are eager to see a version of the GTA V on the PS Vita.