What Went Wrong with the Street Fighter X Tekken?

Skillleague June 30, 2012 Comments Off on What Went Wrong with the Street Fighter X Tekken?

Many gamers around the world would probably tell you Capcom titles if you ask them about fighting games. Capcom is the leading video games developer when it comes to fighting games and is praised by the community due to their passion for the genre (Street Fighter, DarkStalkers, Marvel vs. Capcom and others). When Capcom announced about its collaboration with Namco Bandai for the hybrid video game Street Fighter x Tekken, a lot of people rejoiced and anticipated the release of the game. Gamers have imagined – who will win when Ryu and Kazuya fights? Nina or Chun Li? But after only few months of the game’s release, the game seems to disappear from the limelight. What happened to the game?

Time Limit. This is the major aspect that led to the downfall of Street Fighter x Tekken. When you play, every round contains three opponents that you need to fight: the time and the two adversaries. The time will decide on who wins the round making it a fast-paced video game. Your fun and enjoyment will be limited due to the time limit. Capcom and Bandai should have made it slower like the Super Street Fighter 4 which brings a lot of enjoyment to the players. You are also granted more time to make your strategy. But the speed of fight time takes its toll to the experience.

Glitches. All video games that you play have glitches. However, Street Fighter x Tekken contains a lot of them making it frustrating to play the game. Glitches are found in infinite combos and placement errors. The cycle of glitch and patching up is common in this game. The grandfather of all those glitches that you will experience in the game is the Rolento Knife Glitch. Whenever it will try to connect to a projectile, the video game would stop and the only thing to make it move again is for you to reset your game. They have patched-up a broken video game and delivered a broken one.

Brand Difference. The fighting technology in Street Fighter is different compared to that of Tekken. Due to that fact, each roster of the brands has different set of skills that separates them from their counterpart. The video game is more suitable for the Tekken characters and in order to compensate the small juggles selection of Street Fighter, they seem much stronger which ruins the game flow. The characters’ strength is the primary reason why a lot of matches are between Ryu and Hugo. Hugo can defeat some of the characters by using two combos combined with the appropriate gems.

Gems. The use of gems is a very good idea as it provides gamers temporary boosts that make every match different f the others. The only problem is the content gems which you need to download. There are those gems which you can buy in order to improve your characters into godlike levels. Those paid for gems are much stronger compared to the free gems making the game unjust.