Worse Game Sequels Compared to their Predecessors

Skillleague July 7, 2012 Comments Off on Worse Game Sequels Compared to their Predecessors

Most video game sequels are better compared to their predecessors and the last generations of video games have been successful in doing so. This is maybe due to the naiveté of game developers on how they could implement stories and mechanics that are both interesting and new to the taste of the gamers. However, today’s generation of games seems to have lost that touch as they throw in sequels that are worse compared to the predecessors of the games. Here are five video games with worse sequels either major or minor ones.

Gears of War 3

This video game is considered by a lot of gamers as a bad one. Though the game provides much fun and has a good conclusion, the only problem is that it’s very common. The story of the game was exactly the opposite of what gamers expect it to be. Another problematic aspect of the game is the multiplayer mode as a lot of players have already seen it before. Nothing is new, making it quite boring.

Assassin’s Creed Revelations

This is probably not a sequel of the AC2 but to the Brotherhood installment of the game. The Brotherhood has bettered the AC2 and the Revelations in almost all aspects of the game. A lot of people believe that the release of the Revelations is just up for cash and you can’t blame them for thinking so. When you play this game, you will notice that some of the added features are very boring to play and a major disappointment is the multiplayer mode. Revelations for sure is a game that is made out of laziness.

Mass Effect 3

There is no doubt about it, as a lot of players around the world have rioted on the unexpected ending of this video game series. It lacks new characters, has complicated features and unoriginal multiplayer mode. The first two games made you excited to play the game because it will let you think about the new characters and companions. However, in the Mass Effect 3, the companions are from the previous games making it boring as you already knew the story behind these characters.

Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception

Being mentioned in this article doesn’t mean that this game is horrendous. The game is strong and is worthy to belong in the franchise. However, the game doesn’t meet all the expectations of the players. It is less cinematic compared to Uncharted 2. The gameplay in the multiplayer mode of the game is a problem as it is the same with the multiplayer of the previous game. Though it added a cooperative campaign, it seems that it is not needed in the game.

Dragon Age 2

This sequel is nothing compared to its predecessors as it removed almost all the unique features of the previous game. The story in Dragon Age 2 is mediocre and has a bad combat system and you could not even customize your companion. The downloadable features of this game were also meager making it boring. All the fun was removed in this game and it may jeopardize the sales of the next installment of this game.