God of War III ~~~ ChAoS UnLeAsHeD!!!

admin January 30, 2013 4

testyourlegacy.blogspot.com CHECK THE ABOVE LINK FOR MORE GOD OF WAR LEGACY AND God Of War Reviews and other coolest animations and Inuyasha Character Reviews and many other cool stuffs. This is the Official Trailer Of God Of War III. God of War III is a forthcoming installment in the God of War video game franchise. Tag In The End…ThErE wIlL Be oNlY ChAoS!!! For God of War III ~~~ ChAoS UnLeAsHeD!!! (So it begins)— check: testyourlegacy.blogspot.com For Inuyasha character reviews: testyourlegacy.blogspot.com and testyourlegacy.blogspot.com AnD oNe MoRe ImPoRtAnT tHiNg::: ***EnJoY & HaVe FuN***


  1. Sixis1989 January 30, 2013 at 10:55 PM -

    Al principio había caos, nuestra victoria trajo orden a la tierra, prosperidad a la raza humana, ahora ese orden esta a punto de ser destruido, los secretos del Olimpo serán revelados, Kratos al final el sufrirá, al final nosotros triunfaremos, al final…….SOLO HABRÁ CAOS.

    This is the traduction to Spanish, Latin American Spanish.

  2. greenlantern623 January 30, 2013 at 11:50 PM -

    epic line.kratos is the greatest warrior ive ever seen.who else can take on zeus?answer:no one

  3. SgtKeller January 31, 2013 at 12:35 AM -

    Hey, nice video, but.. your audio is delayed for about 0.5 seconds

  4. inFamousIV January 31, 2013 at 12:51 AM -