RU There

admin March 2, 2013 19

RU There tells the story of Jitze (20), a professional gamer who travels around the world to compete in video game tournaments. During a stay in Taipei he unexpectedly witnesses an accident which resembles those he re-enacts in his video games on a day to day basis; this confronts him with his own mortality and his world is suddenly shaken by reality, in a violent way. He meets an intriguing Taiwanese woman in the hotel bar where he is staying, never quite figuring out whether she is an escort, masseuse or bettle nut girl. He tries to get close to her but only manages to do so in the Virtual world, on Second Life which they both visit.


  1. MrEmmanuel2804 March 2, 2013 at 6:48 AM -

    i can’t find any subtitles for him at all.Do you know where i can download an english subtitle ?

  2. LavenderTear March 2, 2013 at 7:18 AM -

    Why did he jump out of the plane at the end??? someone please reply.

  3. smro00 March 2, 2013 at 8:07 AM -

    So they can do second life but show a horribly fake FPS game?

  4. InDDoW March 2, 2013 at 9:05 AM -

    Most horrible movie I’ve ever seen!