Teen Titans – The Final Boss (Playstation 2)

admin October 14, 2012 17

The final boss of the Teen Titans video game for sixth generation consoles. Teen Titans (the video game) is extremely easy to play and beat within a day. The other special features that make it stand out would be “Master of Games” and particular treasures to unlock clips and galleries within the game itself. Overall, a good game if you are a fan of the series.


  1. TheEdaShow October 15, 2012 at 3:31 AM -

    8:41 It happened to me too, during Plasmus’ Boss Fight. I was like, “WHY?! I am trying to defeat Plasmus here!”

  2. TheEdaShow October 15, 2012 at 3:45 AM -

    Hahaha, I play with mostly Starfire throughout the entire game, so everytime I swap characters it’s quite hard to adjust, so I swap back to Starfire. 🙂