Top 10 Video Games of the 80’s!

admin April 23, 2012 17


  1. 2826191 April 23, 2012 at 4:23 PM -

    Nice list !!! i also remember Astreoids and Prince of Persia too :)…..j.

  2. triwise April 23, 2012 at 4:55 PM -

    Being a gamer through the late 70’s ,80’s and still a player to this day. For the most part i agree with you. You missed alot. But for picking out 10 games, I would agree. You should have put missle command in there. Not that it was a great game but it started the trak ball craze. Jumping guy is considered mario’s dad. As that character was the influnce to mario and luigi.

  3. Xikokuna April 23, 2012 at 5:53 PM -

    Maybe Galaga was fun that time, but nowadays it’s crap, it’s not fun, i played Galaga for the first time recently, not in that days, the other games listed I played when I was kid, and they are great! But man, sincerely, Galaga is crap!!!